Mostly observed in Europe and slowly making its way to the United States, the TWIN elevator system is becoming more common in the elevator sector and adds many benefits to this industry.
The TWIN system can be simply described as having two independently operating elevators on one same shaft. This system is indeed very smart and stands out between all the new elevator trends for many reasons.
When it comes to construction, the TWIN system is a great way for architects and civil engineers to save space. By installing two cars in one shaft, the engineers would have saved room of the second shaft while transporting the exact same number of passengers. This extra space can be used for many other purposes. Once the number of hoistways is fixed, installing this system will allow the doubling of the number of passengers on board! This ultimately results in less traffic on the transportation in the building.
For those of you concerned with more ecofriendly solutions in this sector, the TWIN system is a great solution for you. In addition to lowering the traffic and increasing space, the system is capable of lowering the energy consumption in two different manners:
In addition to all these advantages, it is also important to note that installing two cars in one shaft will require less labor and less material than installing two cars in two different shafts.
Rise Lifts therefore sees a huge potential in the TWIN system and will be looking more into this new technology and studying its implementation.